Jarrett Tolman - Web Developer


Full Stack Web Developer

HTML CSS JavaScript
jQuery APIs Git ESLint
Mongo Express React Node.js
Mocha Chai Handlebars
Python PHP MySQL Heroku
WordPress SEO SEM
husband father poet wrote a few plays a book of poetry recorded a spoken word album made funny videos fresh beats organized a music & arts festival pay it forward give back ran a few half-marathons too much Twitter not enough golf

Project: Remission10 - LLS Man & Woman of the Year Fundraiser

Description: Customized Start Bootstrap template with PayPal PDT and MySQL database integration for charity fundraising campaign & raffle.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Heroku (with deploy synced to GitHub), Gulp, Less, Sendgrid, PayPal PDT

Project Sample 01

Featured Homework: All the News That's Fit to Scrape

Description: Simple app that scrapes news.ycombinator.com and allows the user to save, add notes, or delete articles.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Cheerio, MongoDB, Mongoose, Handlebars, Bootstrap, Heroku

Project Sample 02

Boot Camp Homeworks: Sequelize-Da-Burger, FriendFinder, RPS Multiplayer, Trivia

Description: A Node.js / MySQL CRUD app; a Node.js / Express match maker app based on responses to rated questions; a multiplayer Rock, Paper, Scissors with chat; an API powered trivia app.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, Sequelize, Node.js, Express, Open Trivia DB API, Firebase, Git, Heroku

Project Sample 03